Before You Create A Single Piece Of Content Today…

I'm going to say something that will seem to run counter to everything I've said about content to date. If you want to really get the biggest bang for your buck on social media, don't post anything. Not a word, not an image, not a sound. 

For the first 15 to thirty minutes of your social media workflow, shut up and don't say a thing. Instead: listen. 

Just listen 

Go to the social media channels where your customers hang out and search for terms related to the problems your prospects have because they're not using your product or service. Then go a step deeper and see what else those people are talking about. Then search for terms around your product category. Then your product/company. 

The people you want to sell to are out there. And they're sharing surprisingly intimate information with you. You probably don't need to guess what their pain points and actual desires are. 

You just have to listen.

Then speak. Connect with them directly in the comments. Engage them around what's important to them. Dig deeper. Maybe even get to know them.

It will make writing your marketing copy much easier and faster. It might even make innovating and improving your product or service easier and faster.

So be still, listen, and let whatever happens happen. The rest of your tasks will be there when you're done. 


How to Blog Without Making it Look Like an Ad.


30 Solid marketing tips and ideas that didn't make it into previous lists.